
Post-Exertional Mayonnaise is a podcast hosted by Daniel Moore and Dov Zeller, two human primates with ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, sometimes also referred to as ME/cfs.) We are both profoundly affected by ME, both mostly homebound, and we are interested in having conversations and connecting with our ME and chronic illness communities. Our main focus is on how we make meaning, how we cope, how we navigate life, relationships, and creative work. 

Some Episodes will consist of Dan and Dov talking about topics of interest and some will include interviews with community members. We will share stories and experiences and art of many kinds, and of course we will do some kvetching.

This is one hundred percent NOT a place for: judging people, giving health-related advice of any kind; pushing toxic positivity; policing other people's attitudes; pedaling miracle cures or any products, supplements, or alternative or other treatments; pushing any kind of belief systems or ideologies related to "why" or "how" people get sick or "why" or "how" people are sick... Illness is a fact of life for many of us. It is not a failure nor a sign of weakness. "Illness" and "health" are not two distinct binaries. All of our bodies are vulnerable and vulnerable to illness. Our capacities and productivity do not make us valuable. Our humanity does.